
Precision in Practice: Dr. Jan Maštálka

"Vatech machines are efficient"

We are pleased to announce that we had the pleasure of collaborating with Dr. Jan Maštálka, a user of unique Vatech Green 21 from Ledeč nad Sázavou in Czech Republic. He is an amazing implantologist who uses Vatech cutting-edge software, Ez3D-i, in his implant preparation and placement process.

He invited us to his beautiful clinic, Implanta, to speak with us about his experience with our products. He uses Vatech Green 21, a very unusual machine in our region, which is why we were ecstatic to hear about his experience in his everyday practice.

If you want to visit Dr. Maštálka’s modern practice with us, please, do not hesitate to watch the video below:

Please, stay tuned for more interesting dialogues with skilled professionals that will be published in upcoming days.

We are proud to be able to support such talented individuals in their everyday practice.

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